First Course

International Studies Department-Phd political thought Department -Phd Conflict management and peacebuilding department-Msc
The impact of cyber security in the transformations of the international systemCriticism in contemporary Arab political thoughtAnthropology
EEConflict management strategies (selected models)
Negotiation strategies and international crisis managementThe theory of justice in contemporary Western political thoughtIntroduction to Conflict and Peace Studies
The new energy strategies of the international powersIslamic political thought: Ideas and ConceptsE
NATO expansion and the exit of the Scandinavian countriesContemporary Theories of Democracy (Selected Models)The role of international humanitarian law in armed conflicts
Competition of actors in the international systemThesis of good governance and state building in contemporary Iraqi political thoughtExplanatory theories of conflict and international peace

Second Course

International Studies Department-Phd political thought Department -Phd Conflict management and peacebuilding department - Msc
Employing the theory of expectation management in modern foreign policy decisionsIdeology in contemporary Western political thoughtInternational and regional policies towards Africa
H.WResearch writing methodsThe role of the psychological dimension in conflict and peace building
Research writing methodsH.WE
Non-Western International Relations TheoryEEmploying the strategic position of the straits in the management of international conflicts
Formulating the national strategy for cyber securitySecularism in political thought in Western antiquityResearch writing methods
Digital means of communication and peace-making mechanismsPolitical theory and ethicsH.W
Iraqi foreign policy after 2022Major problems and issues in political theoryAnalysis of third party strategy in conflict resolution
Conflict analysis tools