fourth stage


2-Foreign Policy 

3-Contemporary western political thought 

4-Contemporary Islamic political thought 

5-international policy in English 

6-political & Regional Regimes

7-Europe & America 

8-parties & public opinion

9-Head way

third stage

1-international organizations 


3-political regimes Asia & Africa Regimes

4-western modern political thought 

5-islamic political thought 

6-public polices

7-political problems in English

second stage

1-International Relations

2-International Organization in English

3-political sociology

4-Ancient political thought

5-International general law

6-Arab Political regimes

7-Contemporary iraq

8- computer

first stage

1-Political Regimes

2-Political science principles

3-History of international Relations

4-Introduction to policy in English

5-Human Rights & public freedom


7-Arabic Language 


9-Head way