About the Citizens Affairs Unit
The unit administratively joined to the dean’s office, it handles everything that related to citizens’ requests and complaints (reviewers – students – teachers – employees).
The unit performs the following tasks:
1- Receiving citizens and receiving their complaints or requests by filling out a special form for the unit and presenting it to the Dean and taking the necessary action as directed.
2- Follow-up the complaints and requests in the departments and units of the college until the final action is taken in them and inform the applicant by reviewing, calling or e-mailing him.
3- Receiving requests or inquiries on an e-mail and answering them.
4- Entering requests and complaints on the Citizen’s E-Government website of the General Secretariat of the Prime Ministry.
5- Follow-up and answer referrals that received from the University president’s Office / Citizens’ Affairs Division.
6- Submitting a monthly electronic report of the applications completed by the unit to the University President’s Office / Citizens’ Affairs Division.
7- Providing the office of the University’s president /Citizens Affairs Division with a monthly statistic of the work and activities of the unit
To communicate with the Citizens Affairs Unit / College of Political Science.
In its location in the college / dean’s office
or at the following e-mails: