ت اسم التدريسي عنوان البحث
1 Prof. Dr. Hallah Khalid Hameed 1. The Policy of making the Middle East a region free of nuclear systems.
2- The problem of human rights in Africa
2 Asst. Prof. Basmah Khalil Namiq Ali 1.Freedom between national commitment and the challenges of chaos and wars of the fourth generation.
2- Comprehensive air management in Iraqi universities (law faculties as a model)
3 Asst. Prof. Dr. Ammar Hameed Yaseen 1- State mangement through crisis industry threory ( study in Iraqi political behavior after 2003 ) .
2- Crises management in Russian- Europian relations after 2011.
4 Asst. Prof. Sabah Na'as Shnafa 1.The strategy of economic sanctions in America's foreign policy during the era of President Trump.
2- European strategic interests in the middle administration
5 Asst. Prof. Dr. Usra Mehdi Salih Turkish role Strategic Dimensions in the map of international powers balance
6 Asst. Prof. Dr. Jasim Muhammed Mushib The economics of waste recycling in Iraq ; wasted resources and lost opportunities .
7 Inst. Dr. Ahmed Hussien Shuhail Factors impacting Russian - Yemeni relations
8 Inst. Dr. Rafaa Tariq Qassim 1. Conflict of jurisdiction between the federal and local government.
2- Good governance in evaluating the performance of the provincial councils
9 Asst. Prof. Dr. Ahmed Adnan Aziz Reformation in Imam Hussain bin Ali (Peace be Upon Him) uprising
10 Inst. Dr. Nahidah Muhammed Zebon The concept of sobriety in Islamic Political Thought
11 Asst. Prof. dr. Deena Muhammed Jaber 1.The Russian strategy to confront Russian national security threats.
2- Border disputes and Gulf security in global and regional balances after 2001.
3- Political globalization and conflict management strategies, an intellectual vision.
4- Regional National Security for the GCC States: Threats and the Required Security Policy.
5- The role of US policy in regulating regional balances in East Asia: China and Japan as a model
12 Asst. Prof. dr. Dunia Jawad Mutlaq 1. US cyber national security strategy and cyber challenges.
2- The media message of the terrorist organization ISIS.. The content of the discourse, the mechanisms of the media confrontation
13 Asst. Prof. dr. Hussein Mezhir Khalaf Security challenges and its impact on the unity of states of Arab Gulf region
14 Prof. Dr. Muthana Ali Hussein 1. Iranian-American relations after the nuclear agreement.
2- The US strategy towards the Arab Gulf region after 2011.
3- Iraqi foreign policy and international polarizations
15 Prof. dr. Israa Shariff Chichan The future of Palestinian identity under the binary of occupation and resistance
16 Asst. Prof. Dr. Samir Jassam Radhi التحديات الاقليمية لمجلس التعاون لدول الخليج العربي : دراسة حالة ايران Regional Challenges of Cooperation Council of Arab Gulf States: Studying Iran's case
17 Asst. Prof. dr. Inass AbdulSadah Patterns of the strategic environment and its role in determining strategies for dealing with situations of conflict and peace.
2- Paradiplomacy: the role of units without the state in foreign political power.
3- The impact of analyzing the strategic environment in determining the paths of conflict and the mechanisms of dealing with it.
4- The United Nations and the Peace and Conflict Studies: Summay Survey. 5- The national and regional security of the Gulf Cooperation Council states: Threats and the required security policy