Facilitated by the Women’s Affairs Unit in collaboration with the Continuing Education Unit, the College of Political Science hosted a scientific workshop under the auspices of the Dean’s office.

The workshop elucidated the concept of positive differentiation as a vital tool for achieving gender equality and, consequently, supporting the participation of women throughout diverse sectors. It elaborated on key international agreements related to women’s rights, with a particular focus on the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women (CEDAW). Furthermore, the workshop evaluated Iraqi women’s rights legislation while comparing it with international standards to enhance protection.

In the final remarks of the workshop, a myriad of proposals were recommended, particularly stressing the value of collaboration between academic institutions and governmental bodies. The objective of this consolidated effort was to introduce programs that support women’s participation in various fields. Furthermore, it highlighted the need to review and adjust Iraqi legislation to ensure its conformity with international agreements on women’s rights while organizing campaigns that aim at enhancing the community’s perception of the role of positive discrimination in fulfilling gender equality.

An elite of academics, researchers, and stakeholders were present at the workshop,
all interested in women’s and human rights. The discussions yielded during the workshop provided invaluable insights into current challenges and opportunities for improving the role of women within Iraqi society .

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