The College of Political Science at the University of Baghdad discussed the master’s thesis entitled “The Impact of Media Discourse on Directing Electoral Behavior in Iraq after 2005.” For the student “Haider Hassan Ahmed Hassan”.
The letter explained the role of words and terminology and their very important impact on shaping thinking and behavior. The words that people use do not only express their thoughts, but also shape them. The word is the most powerful drug that mankind has used in history and over time. We live in the era of globalization, the one global village, and the era of open spaces. The visual word, the media discourse, has its direct and indirect impact on societyEspecially in light of the multiplicity of websites and media spaces and the intensity of television broadcasting with a huge number of satellite channels whose programs vary in terms of form and content. Access to individuals has enabled them to occupy a position of great importance in society, then as channels for messages and discourses that are directed to wide audiences, and what increased that imposed importance, those amazing ways and discoveries that man harnessed for himself in order to communicate, influence and win over the other in a better and deeper way and with symbols and tremendous methods Innovation and innovation accelerate human interaction through language, writing, printing, radio and televisioAll the way to the Internet and social networking sites, and this is intended to bring attention, control and influence in the behavior and attitudes of these individuals and direct them to the face that those in charge of them desire. The political field, and this belief was reflected more clearly in the entire electoral process, including electoral behaviour.
At the end of the discussion, the researcher was awarded a master’s degree with a “very good, high” grade, wishing all our students success in their academic and practical lives.

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